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Loire Wines Win 141 Medals At Awards
Loire wines (Anjou, Saumur, Touraine and Muscadet) have won a combined total of 141 awards at the International Wine Challenge and Decanter Awards. Out of the 141 wines awarded, there were 2 gold, 13 silver, 48 bronze and 78 commendations. A total of 95 white, 9 rosé, 26 red, and 11 sparkling Loire wines were represented in the line up.

The list also included 10 wines made from Cabernet Franc de Loire and 16 made from Sauvignon Blanc de Loire, proving that the UK is ready for these two ubiquitous Loire varietals which are currently being promoted via two technical and commercial projects on the UK market.

The Cabernet Franc de Loire Project started in 2004 and was designed to encourage producers to experiment with different techniques to improve their appeal in the UK market, without compromising on the styles of their individual ‘terroir’. The Sauvignon Blanc de Loire Project aims to improve the image of Sauvignon Blanc de Loire in the UK and elsewhere. Both projects employ Sam Harrop MW as wine consultant.

René-Louis David, Secrétaire Général of InterLoire, the regional marketing board for Loire Wines, commented: “We are delighted at the array of Loire wines awarded with medals in this year’s two competitions. It goes to show that the quality and consistency of the wines produced in our region are becoming increasingly popular with the British palate.”

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