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Abergavenny Food Festival 2010
Once again, the Abergavenny Food Festival proved to be a fantastic experience. This year Vin Sullivan enjoyed a prime spot at the Priory Centre, where champion fishmonger, Jonny Jenkins, and Duncan Lucas, from Passionate About Fish, gave demonstrations throughout the day.

Our aim was to encourage people to eat different varieties of fish - of the 50 species landed in the UK, we tend to eat just three - salmon, cod, and haddock.

Duncan and Jonny extolled the virtues of delicate but flavoursome fish such as hake, gurnard and plaice, along with nutritious species such as mackerel and sardine.

Innovative cooking tips fired the audience’s imagination in the packed hall at the Priory Centre - a roasted stuffed haddock joint as a lighter alternative to a conventional piece of beef or pork, for example.

Our youngest fish fan proved to be Ella Doheny, 10, from Abergavenny, who tried her first ever oyster, which she approved of, saying it gave her a sensation of the sea.

If you fancy trying something new, please visit our shop, where Jonny will be on hand to give advice, or visit your local fishmonger, who will always be pleased to help.

And if you want a fish canoe filleted for stufffing, a butterfly fillet to pan fry, or a crab dressed - all you have to do is ask.

Picture shows Ella Doheny, 10. from Abergavenny, trying her first ever oyster at Vin Sullivan’s fish stall at the Abergavenny Food Festival. With her is Jonny Jenkins our shop manager, and twice British Fish Craft Champion.

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